Great Oaks Aussies
Quality Australian Shepherds
Diesel/Autumn pups born Christmas Eve!!
7 perfect puppies were born 12/24/24 and will be ready for homes about last week of Feb 2025. Keep checking in for updates. These pups will all be reserved for sure, just setting up all the folks with deposits in. If you are interested in a future pup, fill in a questionnaire online, feel free to call, email or text.
Autumn and Diesel are both Conformation Champions, and ideal examples of the breed, with their health certificates in place. Our Aussies all live the lives of loved pets in and out of our home. We welcome visits to meet the pack and see how we raise and train. Our puppies go for $2800 with limited AKC registration (not for breeding).
The next Great Oaks pups will most likely be Summer '25!